The “Back-To-School Edition” (Whatever “Back-To-School” Means)
We’re finally there. For months everyone’s been asking, “What’s next year going to look like?” Well, it’s next year. And school districts are still struggling to decide what to do. Much is still unknown: Will students go back full-time?…

Life After Corona
At this point, it seems trite to say that the Coronavirus quarantine has been very challenging for children with disabilities and their families. Districts, federal and state agencies, and families are still struggling with how best (least worst?)…

Don’t Want Your Child To Graduate This Year? You May Be In Luck!
There's great news if you don't want your child to graduate this year. I recently wrote a blog post on what parents can do if their School District is pushing to graduate their child but the parents don't think their child is ready to graduate.…