New Statistics on Graduation Rates in New York City for Children with Disabilities
Do you know what the New York City graduation rates are for children with disabilities? The National Center for Educational Statistics just came out with their annual Public high school 4-year adjusted cohort graduation rates (ACGR). The…

New Statistics on Graduation Rates in Yonkers for Groups including Children with Disabilities
Are you interested in what the Yonkers graduation rates are for different groups of students? The National Center for Educational Statistics just came out with their annual Public high school 4-year adjusted cohort graduation rates (ACGR). …

A Profile of Special Education in New York, by the Numbers
The U.S. Department of Education just released its Annual Report to Congress on the Implementation of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). It's a good time to look at the state of school age children being served by the…

Don’t Want Your Child To Graduate This Year? You May Be In Luck!
There's great news if you don't want your child to graduate this year. I recently wrote a blog post on what parents can do if their School District is pushing to graduate their child but the parents don't think their child is ready to graduate.…

But I Don’t Want My Child To Graduate!
What if I DON’T Want my Child to Graduate?
Does a school’s FAPE obligations end when my son graduates?
Believe it or not, the answer is sometimes NO. It’s true that generally, once a student reaches 21 (or 22 depending upon the state)…

This Safety Net may have some holes in it
Back in June I wrote about new graduation requirements for New York State students with disabilities. The new requirements were to act as a "safety net" to allow more students with disabilities to graduate with a diploma. I also said that in…

A Step Forward or a Step Back?: New Graduation Requirements for Students with Disabilities
The New York State Board of Regents passed certain revisions to the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education yesterday, June 13, which will make it easier for students with disabilities to graduate with a local diploma. This new regulation…