Over the years of practicing Special Education Law, I have seen certain themes arise time and time again. There are certainly differences among them. But as Mark Twain said, “History Doesn't Repeat Itself, but It Often Rhymes.” I’ll…

Understanding your child’s Standardized Testing
I have been meaning to write this piece on interpreting standardized test scores for quite some time. Now that IEP season is heating up, this is the perfect time. I always say that it all comes down to solid evaluations. Without them,…

“Sorry, your child doesn’t qualify for services because her scores are too high”
Have you heard this before? Remember, the IEP starts with THE evaluation. You can't develop goals for the student until you identify her strengths and weaknesses. And you can't do that without a comprehensive evaluation.
Parents frequently…

To Speak or Not To Speak (at a CSE meeting), That is the Question
Parents often ask me how much they should disclose at Committee on Special Education (CSE) meetings. Should they “play it close to the vest” and not tip off the CSE of their intentions?” Maybe they have an independent evaluation that shows…